News & Events
Nour Dissem and Salmata Diallo join SuperMET. Welcome!
Bénédict Ogalabyoshi Ndagano and Ghislain Raymond Tamba join SuperMET. Welcome!
Devika Laishram and Mahdieh Khajvand join SuperMET. Welcome!
George Kolliopoulos presented our group's work on gas hydrate-based desalination as a sustainable technology for mine water and mineral/metal processing effluent treatment to the 2024 Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Toronto, ON, Canada.
George Kolliopoulos was a Keynote Speaker at The 18th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances and Health (ISPTS-2024). He also received the Young Scientist Award in the Symposium.
Sara Saffaj presented her research in COM 2024 conference that took place in Halifax, NS, Canada. SuperMET participated in the conference with three conference proceedings publications and oral presentations.
SuperMET is now funded by FRQNT-DDSM.
SuperMET is now funded by Mitacs Accélération Québec.
Maïka Boulanger and Aly Baba Kourouma join SuperMET. Welcome!
Sara Saffaj won the best poster award in the 8th Advanced Materials Annual Meeting of CQMF / QCAM that took place in Québec in May 2024. Congratulations, Sara!
Vinicius Sales won first prize in the French-speaking section of "My thesis in 3 min" competition of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Université Laval. Congratulations, Vinicius!
Sara Saffaj won the best presentation award in Centre E4M's 2023 Annual Conference "My thesis in 5 min" competition. Congratulations, Sara!
Jonathan Blanchette Jacob joins SuperMET. Welcome!
Seyed Mohammad Montazeri presented his research in CSChE 2023 conference that took place in Calgary, AB, Canada.
Afshin Amani presented his research in COM 2023 conference that took place in Toronto, ON, Canada.
Saba Khodadousti won the 2nd best poster award in the International Water Think Tank 2023 that took place in Québec City, QC, Canada. Congratulations, Saba!
Seyed Mohammad Montazeri won the 4th best presentation award in the International Water Think Tank 2023 that took place in Québec City, QC, Canada. Congratulations, Mohammad!
George Kolliopoulos was named "Étoile de l’enseignement FSG" (i.e., Teaching star in the Faculty of Science and Engineering) for 2022-2023 at Université Laval.
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi successfully graduated with an MASc degree. Congratulations, Halimeh!
SuperMET is now funded by NSERC Alliance.
Seyed Mohammad Montazeri received a Scholarship for Academic Excellence from the Centre E4M at Université Laval. Congratulations, Mohammad!
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi presented her work to Copper 2022 in Santiago, Chile.
SuperMET is now funded by Mitacs Accélération Québec.
Sara Saffaj joins SuperMET. Welcome!
Vinicius Sales presented his work to the 14th Biometal conference in Alicante, Spain.
George Kolliopoulos presented our group's work on the solvometallurgical extraction of lithium and cobalt to the Conference of Metallurgists COM 2022 in Montréal, Canada.
Boubacar Dicko joins SuperMET. Welcome!
George Kolliopoulos was named "Étoile de l’enseignement FSG" (i.e., Teaching star in the Faculty of Science and Engineering) for 2021-2022 at Université Laval.
Vinicius Sales presented his work to 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society in Banff, AB, Canada.
Afshin Amani presented his work to NAMS 2022 Annual Meeting. Tempe, AZ, USA.
Ghislain Raymond Tamba and Younes Moustati join SuperMET. Welcome!
Saba Khodadousti joins SuperMET. Welcome!
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi and Vinicius Sales presented their work to RawMat 2021 in Athens, Greece.
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi, Seyed Mohammad Montazeri, Afshin Amani, and Vinicius Sales presented their work to 2021 Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Montréal, Canada.
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi won the 2nd best presentation award in Centre E4M's 2021 Annual Conference. Congratulations, Halimeh!
SuperMET is now funded by CFI-JELF.
Halimeh Askari Sabzkoohi, Seyed Mohammad Montazeri, and Afshin Amani have joined SuperMET. Welcome!
SuperMET research is now funded by NSERC (Discovery Grant) and FRQNT (ERA-MIN 2 Grant).