Seridou, P., Karmali, V., Syranidou, E., Komnitsas, K., Kolliopoulos, G., Kalogerakis, N. (2025) Assessment of Tamarix smyrnensis for Phytoremediation Capacity of Laterite Mine Spoils. Plants. 14(3). 491.
Saffaj, S., Mantovani, D., Kolliopoulos, G. (2025) Sustainable Leaching of Cu, Ni, and Au from Waste Printed Circuit Boards Using Choline Chloride-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents. Metals. 15(1). 82.
Montazeri, S.M., Kolliopoulos, G. (2024) Sustainable Water Recovery from a Hydrometallurgical Effluent Using Gas Hydrate-Based Desalination in the Presence of CO2 Nanobubbles. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. 41 pp. 2057–2066.
Amani, A., Kolliopoulos, G. (2024) Liquid mining of lithium from brines using a hybrid forward osmosis – freeze concentration process driven by green deep eutectic solvents. Green Chemistry. 26: pp. 7280-7292.
Montazeri, S.M., Kalogerakis, N., Kolliopoulos, G. (2024) CO2 nanobubbles as a novel kinetic promoter in hydrate-based desalination. Desalination. 574: pp. 117296.
Sales, V., Paternoster, C., Mantovani, D., Kolliopoulos, G. (2024) Non-aqueous electrodeposition of Fe-Mn alloys using choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents. Journal of Ionic Liquids. 4(1): pp. 100086.
Khodadousti, S., Kolliopoulos, G. (2024) Batteries in desalination: A review of emerging electrochemical desalination technologies. Desalination. 573: pp. 117202.
Moldoveanu, G., Kolliopoulos, G., Judge, W. D., Ng, K.L., Azimi, G., and Papangelakis, V.G. (2024) Solubilities of Individual Light Rare Earth Sulfates (Lanthanum to Europium) and Yttrium in Water and H2SO4 solutions (Neodymium). Hydrometallurgy. 223: pp. 106194.
Montazeri, S.M., Kalogerakis, N., Kolliopoulos, G. (2023) Effect of chemical species and temperature on the stability of air nanobubbles. Scientific Reports. 13: pp. 16716.
Amani, A., Kolliopoulos, G. (2023) Modeling of transport phenomena in a hybrid forward osmosis - directional freeze crystallization process for clean water recovery from hydrometallurgical effluents. Water Science and Technology. 88 (7): pp. 1657-1671.
Kekes, T., Tzia, C., Kolliopoulos, G. (2023) Drinking and Natural Mineral Water: Treatment and Quality–Safety Assurance. Water. 15(13): pp. 2325.
Sabzkoohi, H.A., Dodier, V., Kolliopoulos, G. (2023) A validated analytical method to measure metals dissolved in deep eutectic solvents. RSC Advances. 13: pp. 14887-14898.
Judge, W. D., Ng, K.L., Moldoveanu, G., Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G., and Azimi, G. (2023) Solubilities of heavy rare earth sulfates in water (gadolinium to lutetium) and H2SO4 solutions (dysprosium). Hydrometallurgy. 218: pp. 106054.
Kekes, T., Giannou, V., Tzia, C., Kolliopoulos, G. (2022) Synthesis of a Novel Adsorbing Agent by Coupling Chitosan, β-Cyclodextrin, and Cerium Dioxide: Evaluation of Hexavalent Chromium Removal Efficacy from Aqueous Solutions. Sustainability. 14(20): pp. 13527.
Montazeri, S.M., Kolliopoulos, G. (2022) Hydrate based desalination for sustainable water treatment: A review. Desalination. 537: pp. 115855.
Xu, C., Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G. (2022) Industrial Water Recovery via Layer Freeze Concentration. Separation and Purification Technology. 292: pp. 121029.
Kolliopoulos, G., Xu, C., Martin, J.T., Devaere, N., Papangelakis, V.G. (2022) Hybrid forward osmosis - freeze concentration: A promising future in the desalination of effluents in cold regions. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 47: pp. 102711.
Kekes, T., Kolliopoulos, G., Tzia, C. (2021) Hexavalent chromium adsorption onto crosslinked chitosan and chitosan/β-cyclodextrin beads: Novel materials for water decontamination. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 9(4): pp. 105581.
Deng, S., Chena, Y., Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G., Li, Y. (2020) Thermodynamic and Experimental Analysis of Ni-Co-Mn Carbonate Precursor Synthesis for Li-rich Cathode Materials. Ionics. 26: pp. 2747–2755.
Martin, J.T., Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G. (2020) An improved model for membrane characterization in forward osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science. 598: pp. 117668.
Martin, J.T., Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G. (2020) Process Water Recovery via Forward Osmosis: Membrane and Integrated Process Development. Water Science and Technology. 81(11): pp. 2291–2299.
Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G. (2019) Temperature and Pressure Effects on the Separation Efficiency and Desorption Kinetics in the NH3-CO2-H2O System. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 58(27): pp. 12247-12252.
Kolliopoulos, G., Papangelakis, V.G. (2018) Temperature and Pressure Effects on the Separation Efficiency and Desorption Kinetics in the TMA-CO2-H2O System. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 57(43): pp. 14767-14773.
Kolliopoulos, G., Martin, J.T., Papangelakis, V.G. (2018) Energy Requirements in the Separation-Regeneration Step in Forward Osmosis Using TMA-CO2-H2O as the Draw Solution. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 140: pp. 166-174.
Kolliopoulos, G., Shum, E., Papangelakis, V.G. (2018) Forward Osmosis and Freeze Crystallization as Low Energy Water Recovery Processes for a Water-Sustainable Industry. Environmental Processes. 5(Supplement 1): pp: 59-75.
Kolliopoulos, G., Holland, A. M., Papangelakis, V. G. (2018) Modeling of density and electrical conductivity of aqueous carbonated trimethylamine (TMA–CO2–H2O) solutions at 20 °C. Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly. 149(2): pp. 453-460.
Kolliopoulos, G., Carlos, M., Clark, T.J., Holland, A.M., Peng, D.-Y., Papangelakis, V.G. (2017) Chemical Modeling of the TMA-CO2-H2O System: A Draw Solution in Forward Osmosis for Process Water Recovery. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 62(4): pp. 1214-1222.
Kolliopoulos, G., Balomenos, E., Giannopoulou, I., Yakoumis, I. and Panias, D. (2014) Behavior of Platinum Group Metals during Their Pyrometallurgical Recovery from Spent Automotive Catalysts. Open Access Library Journal. 1(5): e736. pp.1-9. DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1100736